Hope Academy English Tutoring
Hope Academy English Tutoring started on January 14, 2013. The Accelerated Christian Education program allows the students to learn to study on their own and go at their own pace. This program provides an excellent higher level of education than these children would normally be able to access. The students become truly bilingual. They begin speaking English from the first day in class!! The Hope Academy English Tutoring has “Quality” Status in the ACE system and this allows students from Kindergarten through 12th Grade to receive their high school diploma from Lighthouse Christian Academy in the United States.
How You Can Help
Student Sponsorship
In the Hope Academy English Tutoring, you can help an individual child with his/her tuition, books, supplies, access to computer and unlimited wifi, and resource library for $2,400 a year. Sponsorship Agreements are for one school year, renewable in December of that year.
If you are interested. please let us know at contactus@hope4honduras.org or click on the Sponsor a Student button below.
General Expenses for the Program
We always need your help with general expenses for our education programs. Many of you may be want to fund a student for the full duration of their education, but you would like to help in general to keep the lights on and pay the teachers! If you would like to help in this way, please send your donation to: Hope For Honduras Inc, PO Box 11787, Spring, TX 77391, click the Contact Us button below or email us at contactus@hope4honduras.org.