Thank you for your interest in bringing a team to work with Hope for Honduras!
Mission Team Information & Ground Costs
The teams that come to work with us are usually here from Sunday to Saturday. We have teams of 16 or less, and the ground cost is $850 per person for a team of 10 people or more ($950 per person for 9 people and under). That is all inclusive: accommodations, ground transportation, and food. You will be responsible for finding your team’s best airfare. Unfortunately, we are unable to accommodate individuals at this time.
Mission Team Projects
House Construction
Building a house can be done by anyone because we have helpers who pick up the slack. That takes two to three days to built and paint the house and two to three people can work on that project. The house dedication is at the end of the week and your team can do this themselves. We are there with you, but want the heart of each team to come through in this activity. We have an interpreter for this if you need it. There are articles you present to them along with the furnishings we purchase for the new house. It is one of the favorite projects our teams do! The cost of this project for your team is $5,000.
Food Distribution
Distributing food serves 300 houses with two to four people bagging and assembling the first three days and the entire team can help with the distribution. Your team will walk through the colonia personally giving the residents the much needed food. It is great way to get up close and personal with the people who need your help so badly. The cost of this project for your team is $3,500.
Desarrollo Infantil
In this child development program, our teachers do the lesson and you can reinforce that with crafts, games, songs, etc. Your team will need to bring all your supplies for that project. There are 25 children, 4-5 years old, in the morning class and 25 children in the afternoon class.
Helping in English Tutoring
Participants in Hope Academy English tutoring always need help hearing good English speakers and reading in English. You and your team can help every day with these children who are amazing to teach. You don’t have to be a teacher….just someone who loves kids and wants to help!
Feeding in the Streets
Feeding in the streets is an everyday activity you can be a part of. Go with two of our staff members and help feed around 300 kids in the area. You will see life on the mountain up close and personal.
Women’s Ministry
Women’s Ministry is another option for the ladies on your team. Tuesday and Wednesday mornings they can present a short lesson and do a craft with the women of our ministry area.
Men’s Ministry
Each team has different goals and talents to share with the people in our service area. Taking time with the men from the colonias is ver special and can be arranged for the end of each week to share and encourages the men on the mountain.
House Painting
Painting some of the houses we built years ago is a project for teams who want something in addition to building a house, distributing bagged food, working in the education programs, and doing women’s or men’s ministry.
Playing in the Streets
At the end of each day, at 3pm sharp, work is done and the fun begins in the campo in Nueva España right by the Hope Center. Your team gets to play with the kids from the area and they love it! Nothing breaks down the fear and distrust of “gringos” like jumping rope with an 8 year old or throwing a Frisbee or football for an hour. Your team cannot miss this!