Frequently Asked Questions
We recommend having a Tetanus shot. You may wish to check with the “Centers For Disease Control” website if you have questions. The area where you will be in Tegucigalpa does NOT have a problem with malaria or cholera, so we do not recommend that you get the malaria treatment or immunization for cholera unless your doctor insists.
Honduras has two seasons….summer and winter. From May through November is “rainy season” or “winter” and we have showers which begin around 4pm each afternoon and continue through the night. But it is beautiful and the temperature is around 75 degrees during the day. It is a bit cool in the evenings and very refreshing after working in the sun all day. December through April is “summer”. However, it actually does not get really warm until February and then it is hot (90’s) and very dry and dusty.
No more dangerous than the United States….just different. We are used to the “dangers” in the States and all know how to react and prevent being part of them. The crime in Honduras is just different than you are accustomed to, so it may seem more dangerous until you are familiar with your surroundings. That is one of the reasons we have guards with your team 24 hours a day. We want you to relax and enjoy your adventure and not worry about what is happening around you. In 17 years we have never had one incident and have always felt the overwhelming protection of God where we work every day.
No, that is one thing you have heard that is true. The water supply in under-developed countries like Honduras is not good. Bottled water is provided at the mission and at the Mission House. You will need to get used to brushing your teeth with bottled water, as well as, only drinking bottled water. The ice we provide and that is in the restaurants we frequent with teams is fine for you to have.
Yes, you can. The electrical outlets are the same as in the United States, so any small appliances you use at home may be used at the Mission House. However, Honduran electrical systems are not a strong as those we have in the states. You will need to “schedule” your dryer use with the other team members so as not to blow a fuse….literally. Only one dryer in use at a time.